Joint Service during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Sunday January 19th, 2014
11am, Peebles Old Parish Church
Is Christian disunity a scandal before God? Or is it something we have grown accustomed to, as though it were a creaky door that we never seem to get around to fixing? St Paul's words challenge us as we reflect upon this question. To suggest that disunity is something acceptable is declaring that Christ himself is divided - and that really is a scandal!
The churches in Peebles meet together on Sunday January 19th, as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This joint service replaces the normal morning services in the Old Parish Church, St Andrews Leckie Parish:Peebles, Lyne & Manor Churches, St Peter's Episcopal Church, and Peebles Baptist Church. Please join us at 11am, in the Old Parish Church at the end of the High Street.
The churches in Peebles meet together on Sunday January 19th, as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This joint service replaces the normal morning services in the Old Parish Church, St Andrews Leckie Parish:Peebles, Lyne & Manor Churches, St Peter's Episcopal Church, and Peebles Baptist Church. Please join us at 11am, in the Old Parish Church at the end of the High Street.